A water well inauguration for the Masjid shareef by the Atta Welfare Foundation

Dear brothers and sisters! This is a masjid shareef where hundreds of Muslims prays for five times. This is the village’s main masjid. But unfortunately, the masjid does not have clean water for ablution. This is really a shame for those Muslims who have money, time and facility to produce clean water for this masjid. The almighty Allah has given us things we needed, but we did not do anything in return to serve for his holy place. It was deemed necessary to start drilling the water well for this masjid. Inshallah, sooner with your help, I will be here to finalize it. For more details, please watch this video.

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Afghanistan International Bank (AIB)

Account Title: Atta Welfare Foundation (USD Account)

Account Number: 0043112043257101


Mobile: 0093781668760

E-mail: [email protected]

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