Atta Welfare Foundation provides food and clothing support to this widow mother
My widow mother who lives a horrible tough life with her disabled children. I visited this mother’s home and heard about her. She explained what difficulties she has with her orphan and disabled children. She told there is nobody who could help her in food and clothing and whatever deemed necessary to carry a normal life. She faces a number of troubles and hardships. I feel sorry for those Muslims who get different luxury clothing and food for their families but cannot hear the voice of their neighbors who face hunger. I believe, we will be asked about whatever is given to us by the almighty Allah. We will be asked whether we have used them on correct place and right circumstances and that have you helped the orphans, widows and poor people around you?I felt necessary to purchase warm cloths and food items for this mother and her disabled children. For more details, please watch this video.
For offline donation our Bank Details
Afghanistan International Bank (AIB)
Account Title: Atta Welfare Foundation (USD Account)
Account Number: 0043112043257101
Mobile: 0093781668760
E-mail: [email protected]